Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pay it onward and beyond

Each of us are faced with choices on a daily basis. Some choices weigh heavier than others. We are all bound to stumble, hit bumps along our journey, but there are decisions that can have life long implications. It is my prayer that my own kids and the students that I work with on a daily basis will bypass the life altering ones. It's a scary world out there.
As humans we are innately selfish. We have the tendency to have an inwardly focused mentality, but if we go through life with 'self blinders' securely fixed to our every day outlook it creates a heightened likelihood that decisions will be more impulsive and self motivated. This combination of factors stirs the pot and typically leads to not good things. Whether it be complacency, getting in over one's head with substances, associating with a negative peer group or compromising one's values a me centered mentality is inevitably bound for a pretty diluted way of life.

So where do we go with this? My opinion, focus less on us and more on others. When we extract the 'I' from our every day it's funny what happens. Our outlook will inevitably be altered. I have been totally stoked watching students who have participated in our school sponsored projects such as the Philly Homeless Outreach, Camden Soup Kitchen project, school thrift shop and our food pantry. I have the distinct privilege of watching their eyes open and their hearts softened. They experience a life altering moment that will leave a permanent imprint on their hearts. For many, after this there is no going back. They want more. The desire to help and reach out to others heightens. Giving back, serving others becomes contagious. Bam!

When parents share their concerns about something their child is struggling with I am the first to say that I do not have all the answers and my words are a combination of heart, life experience and professional opinion. Though I will never hesitate to stress the importance of incorporating outreach and community service in the life of every child that walks through the halls of any high school anywhere. It's simply a necessary piece of the puzzle. Each of us have listened to countless lessons and speeches that have a tendency to go in one ear and out the other, but what outreach does is it breaks down the formal platform of lesson learning and places it in its most tangible, life altering form by actually doing it. No one is telling you what you need to know or how you should feel. Right then and there whether it be a soup kitchen, food bank, shelter or whatever it may be your eyes and heart are receiving the same message. How totally awesome is that? And it's free : )
Taking that step, living outside of yourself absolutely minimizes that 'me' mentality and, in turn, diminishes the likelihood or non-rewindable decisions that shakes worlds and weakens hearts. Take a few hours of your month to take that step, embrace the' we' instead of the 'me,' and I promise that your life will never be the same. Bring it on!

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