Monday, May 5, 2014

Color Me Goodness

I very rarely watch the news. It's a combination of impatience, self preservation and the lack of desire to hear anything else heart wrenching in the course of my day. Some might say it's ignorance on my part and I'll take ownership if that's the case. I do have my news apps if that makes me less culpable from. I read, but opt not to watch. My heart aches and my mind spins when flicking on clips of murder, rape, fires, large scale devastation and so on. It's a bit of an emotional overload after a work day largely revolving around emotionally draining stuff.
I believe emphatically that it isn't about ignoring the hurt, the pain and the challenges in our community. It is rather doing something about it, one person at a time. I don't believe in whining or complaining. All that does is fester and induce drama and gossip where it fuels negativity. No bien. We must choose the angles in which we want to make a difference and then do something. It's stepping forward and transitioning from words into actions. Too many of us rant about the issues, what needs to be changed, but very few take that step and transform words into actions. Don't chat if you can't act. 

So with that, I spent Saturday morning having my mind and heart yet again encouraged and amazed by the students at Seneca High School. Don't tell me kids can't change the world. Don't succumb to a cynically saturated media focusing on faces and stories of teens who can't or won't do anything outside of themselves because they are wrong. Close to 500 kids registered for our 2nd Annual Color Me Goodness 5k this year. It was all about goodness. It was them gathering to raise money for outreach programs at our school as well as funding for our their peers facing financial challenges assisting with our food pantry, offsetting field trip costs and making high school obstacles a little less daunting. It was a day of goodness.
I have to tell you, standing in a cloud of color observing hundreds of kids laughing, running and motivated for a very personal cause didn't nothing short of humble me beyond words. I am grateful. I am blessed. I am aware that our efforts and striving to make a difference can and will happen because there is amazing power in numbers.
Here's to a week of goodness! 

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