Friday, February 27, 2015

Human Trafficking: get educated

The concept of human trafficking has until recently been an atrocity mostly associated with pockets of Asia and Africa, but it is a very real and frightening issue that has made its way to Burlington County. Turning a blind eye might make it feel as though it couldn't affect someone we know, but knowledge, in this instance, is the most effective means of protection.  Human trafficking is the illegal act of moving and using individuals for either forced labor or sexual exploitation.

     The average age of a human trafficking victim is 14. This involves adults preying on young people and their greatest means of luring and attracting victims is, but is not limited to, social media. Through accessing information posted on Facebook, twitter or instagram regarding the young person's high school, personal interests and friends, a wealth of information can be collected. Then, armed with this information, the young person on the other end of the screen is befriended, messaged and lured into establishing a trust that seems legitimate. There have been instances where the attractive older looking male or woman approaches a young person at the mall, at their place of work or the 'coincidental' run-ins that occur frequently.  Seemingly innocently enough, the predator promises a lucrative job, fixing them up on a date with someone they've had their eye on, or even a Saturday night house party with free food and alcohol. Their main objective is to lure and secure their bait with false promises.

    When these meetings occur, on average, within 24 hours the young person is drugged up so they can no longer think straight and can be forced into having sex with anyone willing to pay their pimp the required sum of money. This might seem unfathomable for our kids to be at risk in an area that seems removed from such atrocities, but it is here and is an issue that is not going away anytime soon.

So what are some ways to guard our kids?:
·      removing any friends/contacts on social media sites that they do not directly know
·      having their social media sites closed for public access
·      discussions that a friend of a friend via social media does not justify trusting or meeting up with someone, especially if they are alone
·      if someone offers them a job or opportunity that seems too good to be true, do your research ensuring it isn’t a ploy to take advantage of your child

·      websites to familiarize yourself with this topic:

   Educate yourself, chat with your kids or loved ones and realize that these atrocities will be a part of our society until we become more aware, unite our efforts and no longer keep our eyes closed to an epidemic that is stealing the innocence and safety of too many of our children. Something can be done and it starts with each of us taking one step. 

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